Sunday, September 27, 2015

Six Logical Ideas from “Life Begins Again and Again: Seeing the Good in Depression”

  • We must face the things that might have made us depressed. (environmental, circumstantial, generational, vulnerabilities, human deficiencies, etc.)  
  • Through reflection, stillness and rest healing comes. (time spent utilizing one’s strengths, spending time caring for self with simple disciplines/practices)
  • Take the wide open spaces, as a Season to Heal. (openness to kairos time, breathing in the spaces that infuse vitality)
  • We can heal by asking why/how we were led into this spiritual recession. (process reflections may reveal over time insight of multi-generational patterns that can be tweaked--changed)
  • Hope spoken aloud and believed is the path to healing, and it is the way forward to a season of laughter and dancing. (write, re-texting of the found “text”) 
  • Awareness and acceptance are all. The coming together of the re-texting via acknowledgment (energy for re-engagement, full acknowledgement of self, other and holy; taking change into the sphere of others) 